
Paul Salahadin Refsdal

Frilansjournalisten Paul Salahadin Refsdal har i mer enn tre tiår dekt konflikter rundt om i verden; Han har tidligere rapportert fra et dusin rebellgrupper i land som Sri Lanka, Kosovo, Peru, Tsjetsjenia, Afghanistan, etc. Hans nyeste film Dugma - The Button vant Best Mid Length på Hot Docs, en Amandapris, Gullruten og flere andre priser. Tidligere har han laget dokumentarfilmen Taliban Behind the Masks, som har blitt vist på en rekke tv-stasjoner, inkludert CNN, ZDF SBS Australia, ITN UK, YLE, Planete etc.

Paul Salahadin Refsdal is a freelance journalist who has spent more than three decades covering conflict around the world; he has previously reported from a dozen rebel groups in countries like Sri Lanka, Kosovo, Peru, Chechnya, Afghanistan, etc. His latest film Dugma - the Button won Best Mid Length at Hot Docs, the Amanda Award, Gullruten and several other awards. Previously he has made the documentary Taliban Behind the Masks, which has been broadcast by a number of tv-stations, including CNN, ZDF SBS Australia, ITN UK, YLE, Planete etc.



Et intimt portrett av en gruppe svært forskjellige selvmordsbombere som arbeider for Al-Qaida i Syria.

An intimate portrait of a group of very different suicide bombers working for Al Qaeda in Syria.

Genre: Documentary Length: 58 minutes Released: March 2016 Director: Pål Refsdal Producer: Ingvil Giske Financing: NRK, The Norwegian Film Institute, Distribution and sales: Journeyman Pictures


Trailer for DUGMA: The Button - An intimate portrait of a group of very different suicide bombers working for Al Qaeda in Syria.