
De fleste av oss kan enes om at et visst nivå av sensur er nødvendig i et sivilisert samfunn. Men hvor går grensen? Ordet "sensur" kan få enhver til å grøsse, men er det en misforstått idé? Denne friske og dynamiske dokumentaren utforsker sensurens obskure irrganger, og lar sensorene selv fortelle historien. Med bemerkelsesverdig tilgang til en hemmelig verden, følger regissør Håvard Fossum tett på arbeidshverdagen til sensorer fra Sør-Sudan, India, Kina, Iran, Tyskland og USA. Resultatet er morsomt, sjokkerende og engasjerende - en hyperaktuell og intelligent dokumentar som blir i tankene lenge etter at den er slutt.

Regissør: Håvard Fossum

Most of us agree that some censorship is necessary to a civil society, but where do you draw the line? Hearing the word 'censorship' makes us cringe, but is it a misunderstood idea? This fresh and dynamic doc explores the murky world of censorship, allowing the censors themselves to tell a story. With remarkable access to a secretive world, Håvard Fossum intimately follows the daily working lives of censors from South Sudan, India, China, Iran and the United States of America. At once laugh-out-loud funny, deeply shocking and thought-provoking, this timely and intelligent doc will stay with you long after you watch it.

Director: Håvard Fossum


Se filmen på Google Play / Watch the movie on Google Play HERE, or on Vimeo here:


fat front (CO-PRODUCTION)


A revolution is happening in Scandinavia. Fat Front is the story about young Scandinavian women who have had enough of self-hatred and shame and proudly call themselves FAT. They demand respect and recognition in a diet-fixated society while struggling with their lack of self-worth. For too long they have put their lives on hold. Waited to buy clothes, go out dancing and find love – until the day they would be skinny. The day never came. But they found each other and the body positive movement. Now they set their rolls and wobbly thighs free and use their bodies as activist tools. With the provocative tone of feminism and an artistic approach to the natural beauty of the body this film will change the way we view bodies. It is a film about shame and uprising but also a humoristic and heart-warming journey with a bunch of young, energetic women.

Directors: Louise Detlefsen & Louise Unmack Kjeldsen